
Content related to case law search.


Collection contains a general purpose test collection for evaluating systems for case law search.

To create the collection:

  1. Download and extract the opinions and clusters files from The documents in our collection are those contained in the doc-ids.txt list.
  2. go get, build create-docs.go. Provide the paths to the both the folders containing the opinions and clusters files. Provide also an output path.

We provide a mapping for mapping these documents into ElasticSearch (version 6.2.2 was used).

Topics are provided in topics folder.

If you use this collection in your research, please cite:

  title={A Test Collection for Evaluating Legal Case Law Search},
  author={Locke, Daniel and Zuccon, Guido},
  booktitle={The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research \& Development in Information Retrieval},

Assessment interface

The interface used to assess documents in the caselaw collection is made available here. A hosted interface will be available later.

USSC Collection

USSC Collection contains a small collection for evaluating automatic query reduction. This collection is a subset of the documents in the main collection. Instructions for creating the collection are detailed in the repository.

If you use this collection in your research, please cite:

  title={Automatic Query Generation from Legal Texts for Case Law Retrieval},
  author={Locke, Daniel and Zuccon, Guido and Scells, Harrisen},
  booktitle={Asia Information Retrieval Symposium},