
The RUSSIR 2018 Health Search Lecture Series

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Announcements during RUSSIR

Motivation & Overview

With modern medicine increasingly reliant on information technology, the demand for IR systems that search medical content has grown significantly. The increasing need to retrieve medical advice (by both consumers and clinicians), and the adoption of electronic medical records are two factors driving the demand for health search. IR research has much to offer here by developing new tools and techniques specific to this domain.

The range of health information available - from electronic medical records, to medical literature, to health advice on the web - all leads to complex requirements that often require novel solutions to these different problems.

The key challenge in health search is how to bridge the sematic gap: the mismatch between the raw data and the way a human being interprets it. Although particularly prevalent in health search, the semantic gap problem is found in all domains; advances in health search can thus advance the whole field.

Key challenges include:

Objectives of the Tutorial/Lecture Series

The main aims of RUSSIR HS2018 will be to:

This knowledge will allow IR researchers to identify promising ways of applying their work to the health domain, allowing them to contribute to a domain of rapidly growing importance.

Presenter Bio

Guido Zuccon

Guido is a senior lecturer within the School of Electrical Engineering and Computing Science at the Queensland University of Technology. His research interests include formal models of search and evaluation methods, in particular applied to health search. Guido has actively contributed to the areas of document ranking, search result diversification, formal models, and evaluation. Guido is the IR Task leader for the CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab, a shared-task that aims to evaluate systems for consumer health search. He has already presented tutorials at SIGIR 2015, CIKM 2016 and ICTIR 2016 on formal models of search.

Guido received a Ph.D. in Computing Science from the University of Glasgow in 2012. Before joining the Queensland University of Technology as a lecturer in 2014, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the CSIRO, Australia, working on health search technology at intersection of academic research and applied research with real customers.

In October 2018, Guido will join the University of Queensland.