Monica Noselli
Google ScholarResearch Assistant with interest in Visual Data Analytics
Monica Noselli is a Research Assistant at the University of Queensland Information Technology and Electrical Engineering School since January 2021.
Software developer and data scientist with experience with Python and Jupyter Notebook, AngularJS, C# in .NET, Vue.js in VSCode.
She is leading and developing the graphical user interface (GUI) of the CLinical AI Research Accelerator (CLARA) project.
BSc in Web Technologies, MSc in Computer Science, and non-completed PhD (relocated from UK to Australia after 2 years) on health data analytics during which she has built a client-side visual analytics dashboard in Angular.
Career History
PhD student in Health Data Analytics at the University of Leeds, UK Sep 2014 - Mar 2017
Monica worked with health data from a large cohort of newborns and built a visual analytics dashboard in AngularJS to identify data quality issues.
For this project, Monica collaborated with the Born in Bradford Project (NHS trust) as a data scientist (mainly for the visualisation of information) and developed a tool in JS for data quality issue identification called MonAT
Monica had the opportunity and the pleasure to spend six months (Jun 2013 - Dec 2013) at the World Health Organization (WHO) as a Software Engineer Intern, where she developed unit testing in C# for ICD-11 (International Classification of Diseases)
She develop in Visual Studio .NET using C#, LINQ, JSON, XML in the context of the ICD11 WHO project.
AngularJS, Vue.js, JSON, D3.js, Python, C#, Blazor, Java, SQL
MSc Computer Science at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Graduated 2014, [Specialization in “Advanced Information Processing”] (http://mcs.unibnf.ch/program/tracks/t3-advanced-information-processing) (Courses in Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, and Natural Language Processing).
Thesis project: NLP application to identify and extract treatments from scientific publications relevant to a certain disease.
BSc in Web Technologies at the University of Udine, Italy.
Graduated 2007.
Thesis project: Developed a web-based software application for cancer patients to report toxicity levels.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/monica-noselli-9212703b/