Research Staff
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UQ. Graduated from UQ (sponsored by CSIRO); Thesis -- Minimal interaction Information Retrieval - a theoretical framework with applications in clinical decision support.
PhD student, UQ, Exploring methods for improving the effective information retrieval of legal documents.
PhD student, UQ, AgAsk - A Question-Answering Conversational Agent for Data-Driven Growing Decisions.
Research Staff
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UQ. Graduated from UQ (sponsored by CSIRO).
PhD student, UQ & UBAYA, Search Engines that Help People Make Better Health Decisions.
Research Associate, Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI)
Associate Professor and Chancellor's Fellow, University of Strathclyde (UK).
PhD student, UQ, Active Learning, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, CV, Multimodal.
Research Assistant with interest in Visual Data Analytics
Graduated from UQ; Thesis -- Recommending data visualizations- tackling diversification and data quality challenges.
PhD student, UQ, Online Learning to Rank, Deep Language Model-based Rankers.
PhD student, UQ, Query Automation for Systematic Review.
PhD student, University of Queensland (UQ) & Chiang Mai University (CMU), Causality Discovery in drug-drug interaction.
Visiting PhD student, TU Vienna.
PhD student, UQ, Electronic Health Records Representation for Similarity Computing.
Senior Research Fellow, School of EECS, UQ.