Anton van der Vegt
Google Scholar Download PhD ThesisPostdoctoral Research Fellow, UQ. Graduated from UQ (sponsored by CSIRO); Thesis -- Minimal interaction Information Retrieval - a theoretical framework with applications in clinical decision support.
- Anton van der Vegt and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2020. How searching under time pressure impacts clinical decision making. In Journal of the Medical Library Association.
- Anton van der Vegt and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2020. Do better search engines really equate to better clinical decisions? If not, why not?. In Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
- Anton van der Vegt and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Anthony Deacon. 2019. Impact of a Search Engine on Clinical Decisions Under Time and System Effectiveness Constraints: Research Protocol. In JMIR research protocols.
- Anton van der Vegt and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2019. Learning Inter-Sentence, Disorder-Centric, Biomedical Relationships from Medical Literature. In AMIA'19 Proceedings.
- Anton van der Vegt and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Peter Bruza. 2018. A task completion framework to support single-interaction IR research. In Journal of Documentation.