Bevan Koopman
Personal Website Google Scholar TwitterResearch Scientist, CSIRO.
- Shuai Wang and Harry Scells and Bevan Koopman and Martin Potthast and Guido Zuccon. 2024. Generating Natural Language Queries for More Effective Systematic Review Screening Prioritisation. In In Proceedings of the Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval in the Asia Pacific Region (SIGIR-AP 2024).
- Shuai Wang and Harry Scells and Shengyao Zhuang and Bevan Koopman and Guido Zuccon. 2024. Zero-shot generative large language models for systematic review screening automation. In Proceedings of the 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2024).
- Xinyu Mao and Bevan Koopman and Guido Zuccon. 2024. A Reproducibility Study of Goldilocks: Just-Right Tuning of BERT for TAR. In Proceedings of the 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2024).
- Xinyu Mao and Shengyao Zhuang and Bevan Koopman and Guido Zuccon. 2024. Dense Retrieval with Continuous Explicit Feedback for Systematic Review Screening Prioritisation. In Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2024).
- Ismail Sabei and Mahmoud Galal and Bevan Koopman and Guido Zuccon. 2024. Searching in Professional Instant Messaging Applications: User Behaviour, Intent, and Pain-points. In Proceedings of the 2nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Information Retrieval in the Asia Pacific.
- Shuai Wang and Harry Scells and Bevan Koopman and Guido Zuccon. 2023. Can ChatGPT Write a Good Boolean Query for Systematic Review Literature Search?. In Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2023).
- Hang Li and Bevan Koopman and Ahmed Mourad and Guido Zuccon. 2023. AgAsk: A Conversational Search Agent for Answering Agricultural Questions. In The 16th ACM International Conference on Web Search And Data Mining.
- Shuai Wang and Harry Scells and Justin Clark and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2022. From Little Things Big Things Grow: A Collection with Seed Studies for Medical Systematic Review Literature Search. In Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2022).
- Shuai Wang and Harry Scells and Bevan Koopman and Guido Zuccon. 2022. Neural Rankers for Effective Screening Prioritization in Medical Systematic Review Literature Search. In Australasian Document Computing Symposium (ADCS 2022).
- Shuai Wang and Harry Scells and Bevan Koopman and Guido Zuccon. 2022. Automated MeSH Term Suggestion for Effective Query Formulation in Systematic Reviews Literature Search. In Intelligent Systems with Applications (ISWA) Technology-Assisted Review Systems Special Issue.
- Harry Scells and Connor Forbes and Justin Clark and Bevan Koopman and Guido Zuccon. 2022. The Impact of Query Refinement on Systematic Review Literature Search: A Query Log Analysis. In The 8th ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval.
- Hang Li and Ahmed Mourad and Shengyao Zhuang and Bevan Koopman and Guido Zuccon. 2022. Pseudo Relevance Feedback with Deep Language Models and Dense Retrievers: Successes and Pitfalls. In Accepted by the ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS).
- Hang Li and Ahmed Mourad and Bevan Koopman and Guido Zuccon. 2022. How does Feedback Signal Quality Impact Effectiveness of Pseudo Relevance Feedback for Passage Retrieval?. In Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR' 22).
- Sebastian Cross and Ahmed Mourad and Bevan Koopman and Guido Zuccon. 2021. Search Engines vs. Symptom Checkers: A Comparison of their Effectiveness for Online Health Advice. In Proceedings of The Web Conference 2021.
- Anton van der Vegt and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2020. How searching under time pressure impacts clinical decision making. In Journal of the Medical Library Association.
- Anton van der Vegt and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2020. Do better search engines really equate to better clinical decisions? If not, why not?. In Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
- Harry Scells and Guido Zuccon and Mohamed A. Sharaf and Bevan Koopman. 2020. Sampling Query Variations for Learning to Rank to Improve Automatic Boolean Query Generation in Systematic Reviews. In Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020.
- Harry Scells and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Justin Clark. 2020. A Computational Approach for Objectively Derived Systematic Review Search Strategies. In 42nd European Conference on IR Research.
- Harry Scells and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Justin Clark. 2020. Automatic Boolean Query Formulation for Systematic Review Literature Search. In Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020.
- Harry Scells and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2020. A Comparison of Automatic Boolean Query Formulation for Systematic Reviews. In Information Retrieval Journal.
- Harry Scells and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2020. You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks - Rank Fusion applied to Coordination Level Matching for Ranking in Systematic Reviews. In 42nd European Conference on IR Research.
- Bevan Koopman and Guido Zuccon and Scott Chapman and Yash Dang and David Lawrence. 2020. How a Conversational Agent Might Help Farmers in the Field. In Third International Workshop on Conversational Approaches to Information Retrieval (CAIR'20) Full-day Workshop at CHIIR 2020.
- Sebastian Cross and Hang Li and Shengyao Zhuang and Ahmed Mourad and Bevan Koopman and Guido Zuccon. 2020. UQ IElab at TREC 2020 CAsT Track. In TREC 2020 Decision Track.
- Anton van der Vegt and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Anthony Deacon. 2019. Impact of a Search Engine on Clinical Decisions Under Time and System Effectiveness Constraints: Research Protocol. In JMIR research protocols.
- Anton van der Vegt and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2019. Learning Inter-Sentence, Disorder-Centric, Biomedical Relationships from Medical Literature. In AMIA'19 Proceedings.
- Harry Scells and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Justin Clark. 2019. Automatic Search Strategy Reformulation Interface for Systematic Reviews. In Proceedings of the Cochrane Colloquium 2019.
- Harry Scells and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2019. Automatic Boolean Query Refinement for Systematic Review Literature Search. In Proceedings of The Web Conference 2019.
- Harry Scells and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Justin Clark. 2019. Visualising Systematic Review Search Strategies to Assist Information Specialists. In Proceedings of the Cochrane Colloquium 2019.
- Jimmy and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Gianluca Demartini. 2019. Health Card Retrieval for Consumer Health Search. In Proceedings of the 28th International ACM CIKM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '19).
- Jimmy and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Gianluca Demartini. 2019. Health Cards for Consumer Health Search. In Proceedings of the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '19).
- Jimmy and Guido Zuccon and Gianluca Demartini and Bevan Koopman. 2019. Health Cards to Assist Decision Making in Consumer Health Search. In Proceedings of AMIA 2019 Annual Symposium.
- Anton van der Vegt and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Peter Bruza. 2018. A task completion framework to support single-interaction IR research. In Journal of Documentation.
- Harry Scells and Leif Azzopardi and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2018. Query Variation Performance Prediction for Systematic Reviews. In The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval.
- Bevan Koopman and guidio-zuccon and Anthony Nguyen and Anton Bergheim and Narelle Grayson. 2018. Extracting cancer mortality statistics from death certificates: A hybrid machine learning and rule-based approach for common and rare cancers. In Artificial intelligence in medicine.
- Jimmy and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2018. Payoffs and pitfalls in using knowledge-bases for consumer health search. In Information Retrieval Journal.
- Jimmy and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2018. QUT IElab at CLEF 2018 Consumer Health Search Task: Knowledge Base Retrieval for Consumer Health Search. In CLEF.
- Jimmy and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2018. Choices in knowledge-base retrieval for consumer health search. In European Conference on Information Retrieval.
- Harry Scells and Guido Zuccon and Anthony Deacon and Bevan Koopman. 2017. QUT ielab at CLEF eHealth 2017 technology assisted reviews track: Initial experiments with learning to rank. In Working Notes of CLEF 2017 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation forum.
- Harry Scells and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Anthony Deacon and Leif Azzopardi and Shlomo Geva. 2017. Integrating the framing of clinical questions via PICO into the retrieval of medical literature for systematic reviews. In Proceedings of the 26th ACM CIKM conference on Information and Knowledge Management.
- Harry Scells and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Anthony Deacon and Shlomo Geva and Leif Azzopardi. 2017. A Test Collection for Evaluating Retrieval of Studies for Inclusion in Systematic Reviews. In Proceedings of the 40th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in Information Retrieval.
- Bevan Koopman and Liam Cripwell and Guido Zuccon. 2017. Generating Clinical Queries from Patient Narratives. In Proceedings of the 40th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in Information Retrieval.
- Jimmy and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2017. QUT ielab at CLEF 2017 e-Health IR Task: Knowledge Base Retrieval for Consumer Health Search. In CLEF.
- Bevan Koopman and Guido Zuccon. 2016. A Test Collection for Matching Patients to Clinical Trials. In The 39th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval.
- Jimmy and Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman. 2016. Boosting titles does not generally improve retrieval effectiveness. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Document Computing Symposium.
- Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Peter Bruza and Leif Azzopardi. 2015. Integrating and evaluating neural word embeddings in information retrieval. In Proceedings of the Twentieth Australasian Document Computing Symposium.
- Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Joao Palotti. 2015. Diagnose This If You Can. In European Conference on Information Retrieval.
- Guido Zuccon and Bevan Koopman and Anthony Nguyen and Deanne Vickers and Luke Butt. 2012. Exploiting medical hierarchies for concept-based information retrieval. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth Australasian Document Computing Symposium.